Luis Renteria
(Guadalajara, México, 1991)
Multidisciplinary artist born in Guadalajara; México, based in Barcelona. His work ranges from animation, textile and illustration.
(2024) Master in Production and Artistic Research
Universitat de Barcelona
(2020) Higher Diploma in Visual Arts and Design for Textile Art
Massana School, Art and Design Centre
(2016) Graphic Design Postgraduate Course
IDEP Barcelona, Image and Design Higher School
(2015) Audiovisual Media Studies Degree, Specialization in Animation. CAAV Audiovisual Media University
Art Residencies
(2024) Fabra i Coats, Fàbrica de Creació. Barcelona, Spain.
(2023) Hørvævsmuseet, The Flax Weaving Museum. Glamsbjerg, Denmark.
Awards and Selections
(2022) Selected for the Editorial Production Factory. National Centre for the Arts México CENART.
Tejidos imposibles editorial project.
(2022) FOCINE Mexican Film Development Programme.
Mexican Institute of Cinematography IMCINE.
Support for the pre-production of short animation films. Amarillito project.
(2021) Young Creators Grant, FONCA. Mexican Ministry of Culture. The thread of the time: textile project.
(2021) Tejidos imposibles. Project selected for development in Horizontes Jalisco programme. Ministry of Culture of Jalisco, México.
(2024) Prólogo. Group exhibition. Sorondo. Barcelona, Spain.
(2023) Art FAD Awards. Design Museum of Barcelona.
(2023) Un cuerpo. Group exhibition. Lugar usual. Madrid.
(2023) Creación en movimiento. Group exhibition. Los Pinos Cultural Complex. Mexico City, Mexico.
(2022) Un m2 de área(s) verde(s). Group exhibition. Hotel Demetria. Guadalajara, Mexico.
(2021) Pushing the limits. Group exhibition. European Textile network.
(2020) I’m not your grandma. Group exhibition. Beaskoa Gallery. Barcelona, Spain.
Send me an email hi@luisrenteriap.com